what if flow conditions change?


Upon inspecting the SlurryFlo control valve after 2 months of use, the client was impressed with the minimal wear they observed. However, as a challenge, they asked Special Alloy Fabricators to further improve the valve’s performance based on the modulating history and trim photos (Note: the client was not able to provide flow conditions for SAF to properly size the valve).
Original Trim after 2 months IN service
Original Control Valve Trim experiencing minimal wear after 2 months in service.
Original Trim Design by SlurryFlo
 CFD Flow Conditions of original trim design.
SAF engineers tested several design iterations (via CFD simulation) and proposed a unique seat plate geometry. To optimize the flow distribution and increase the service life, SAF developed a multi orifice design. As a result, the new trim experienced less wear in 4 months than the original trim did in 2 months. The new design exceeded all expectations and is the client’s longest lasting control valve in this service.
NEW trim after 4 months IN service
New Trim design custom developed by SlurryFlo with no wear after 4 months.
New custom control valve trim design from SlurryFlo
 CFD Flow Conditions of new trim design.
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